Northern News
Interview by Peter Worden.
Interview by Peter Worden.
Article by Denis Calnan in The Star newspaper.
Article by Eoghan Macguire for CNN.
Photo in Vela e Motore magazine, February 2013 issue (leaf through the magazine, or see the pages 2-3 pdf).
Sur le Grand Océan Blanc, by Hugues de Rosière, at 1:05 am on France 5 TV. Watch teaser.
Sur le Grand Océan Blanc, by Hugues de Rosière, at 5:45 am on France 5 TV. Watch teaser.
Article in Tall Ship Friends' newsletter, January 2013.
Eric on Radio-Canada, by phone from Grise Fiord, with Caroline Nepton: Friday 25th January at 10pm in Yukon and North-West Territories, at 11pm in Nunavut. In Quebec: Saturday 26th January at 10am and Sunday 27th January at 5pm.
Sur le Grand Océan Blanc, by Hugues de Rosière, at 4:30 pm on France 5 TV. Watch teaser.
Interview of France and Eric, by Matthew Bannister, in the programme Outlook of BBC World Service. Download podcast.