"4 questions to Eric Brossier: news, ice, challenges, philosophy", in the paper journal Embarquements issue 11, winter 2023, by Stéphane Dugast.
GEO special issue
Interview with Eric on the Northwest Passage, past and present, in GEO special issue n°113 "Beauty and the challenges of the poles", December 2023 - January 2024.
Brest IBIS hotel
Inauguration of a Vagabond room at the IBIS hotel in Brest, by Ronan Delacou.
Gerrards Cross Sailing Association
Eric invited for a talk by Gerrards Cross Sailing Association about "Arctic Science with Vagabond", near London, on November 8, 2023, at 20:15.
One Planet Polar Summit
Eric invited at the Explorers Society of the One Planet Polar Summit from November 8 to 10, 2023, at the National Museum of Natural History of Paris. Watch again the session Circle of Explorers - The Call to Action to Save the Cryosphere. Emmanuel Macron announces 1 billion euros for polar research.
Talk When climate change is changing our health organized by Apimeo on October 18 at 8 p.m. at the Fontenay-aux-Roses media library. Photo exhibition from October 2 to 22 on the gates of Château Sainte-Barbe.
Adventure Screens
Eric is guest of the 32nd Festival of Adventures Screens in Dijon. Special session Oceans: attractions and secrets on October 14 at 10:30 a.m. at the Darcy cinema. The model of Vagabond can be seen at the Olympia cinema.