Science seen from Base Camp
Since the field work is fully ongoing, more and more scientists are going to the ice camp, but Aurore, Léonie and I still manage to know all of them. No more room on snowmobiles or even in kamutiqs to go helping or just discovering what spread out at the famous ice camp. From the village side, there is: the base camp, alias office-restaurant-hotel that is set-up in the old Siku hotel rented by Green Edge, and the beautiful laboratory located within the school, offered by its principal.
Siku hotel is the place for all the gossip, the meeting place for artists who come by in order to sell sealskin mittens, ulu, jewellery and figurines made from narwhal tooth, caribou bone or whalebone... but also logistics headquarters and place for exchanging ideas, and our canteen for each school time lunch: it's like going to a restaurant every day! The chef is French and do justice to the reputation of our country!
The lab looks like a real and high tech hive of activity. Under the green lights are filtered litres of sea water from different depths or examined microscopic living beings in every drop of water... Another world, full of surprises and attractions for Leonie and Aurore who love to go and help discover what is going on. Friendships are formed.