France raconte Grise Fiord

  • Grise Fiord plage fin janvier

Spending some time in the village is a privilege. When Liza tells us "make yourself at home", this just turns really amazingly simply, even with our culture and language differences; Liza and Aksakjuk are speaking more Inuktitut than English. Their generosity and attention to the child are touching. Without the girls I could join women who meet every Saturday afternoon, and are learning at the moment about muskox wool process. The muskox skin is laying out in a room and each one, with a fork, can extract the sweet wool which is below the long fur, close to the leather. Then we have to clean it, to card it with a machine and finally make some wool spinning to be able to knit! But here we are not yet... On Monday's evening, it's sewing at the church, or at home if the church is too cold; these moments with women only strengthen warmness and complicity, so precious into our cold polar night. Each one comes with her work, the prays and songs take place at the beginning and in the end, and humour is here with all these bubbly old and young women!

The best place to meet people is the Coop during opening times. We go there as much as to buy little things as to chat and know news in Grise!

Even going to the seal net can be a convivial time, with one or two families joining on the ice, then following each other to look for seals breathing holes if no seal on the net. Joining every day our friends is rewarding. At first, it's a hard time to take some seals on the meshes at the moment. And it's not seldom that incidents happened, meaning adjustments with the net or the ropes that pass through the ice. So we can learn how to get out of this tricky situations between water and ice. And keep in mind to have patience...

Kids don't spend lot of time outside in the cold, they meet at night in the gymnasium to play or to let off steam. Junior Rangers, from 12 years old, were there last Sunday for shooting training. Many other activities, no only sport, are taking place here to take advantage of the large, warm and lighted space.

Here is the life in the night, maybe the day incipient again will see each one breath more fully outside, but maybe also will miss the nice warm time into the night... And so on-board Vagabond. (by France Pinczon du Sel)