
  • Vagabond en escale a Kimmirut

Nunavut. This is a very special moment to achieve our journey around Baffin, after spending five years in Nunavut.

It is here in Kimmirut that Celine and Yves are leaving us to go back home to Qikiqtarjuaq. It was a good team!

As soon as we touched land, a lack was filled: finally some vegetation. Oh, not high, but what a pleasure to find again crowberries and blueberries on low carpets made of tiny purple leaves, to see again some dwarf willows, nearly 30cm tall! Indeed, since Greenland, nothing. Only some arid rocks and rare lichens. Early this morning, leaving away Nunavut, I feel a pinch in my heart for everything Nunavut has given to us... But already appears the excitement of knowing we will soon pass the tree line, in Labrador!