
After 3 days of tough sailing, Vagabond just dropped anchor at Inglefield Bay, where she will spend a fourth winter for Damocles project studying sea ice. Today is also coming out our book 'Circumpolaris, Vagabond dans l'Arctique', published by Glénat. This is the story of Vagabond's journey around the Arctic (2002-2003), and about her first winterings in Spitsbergen (2004-2007). You can read a presentation here (not yet available in English).


Getting ready to go for the wintering location: 800kg of food, 400kg of dog food, 4 tonnes of diesel, a new winch... 3 dogs and 5 people are about to sail around south of Spitsbergen to reach Inglefieldbukta. But for now, the sea is a bit too rough.

New pictures on line...


Léonie was only 4 weeks old when daylight became permanent, by the end of March. Darkness has been back for 2 weeks, and since yesterday, the sun is more than 12 hours per day below the horizon: Léonie is discovering the night!

Vagabond will be soon ready for the next wintering, after 3 weeks of maintenance and supplying in Ny-Alesund. Regularly, short trips and little parties were interrupting this essential period before the winter. Tomorrow we will sail to Longyearbyen, holds and stores full with food and fuels.