Lanton, Hanvec

  • Adventure Club Moscow

Last night, we were just back home in Brittany when Banquise gave birth to Eskimo! Banquise (Pack ice) is the name of one of our neighbour's charolais cow. Amazing coincidence.

It is now time for evaluation. First about Le Manguier's journey, from Corsica to Alaska, through the North-East passage: an exciting trip, but not as ecological as planned, analysis to come. Then about the 5 winterings of Vagabond in Spitsbergen: here is a first report, before the final one.

Few festivals and other events will also allow us to share our last adventures. More details here soon.

A the end of the winter, Vagabond will be convoyed from Liland, in Norway, to Brittany, where she will be prepared to sail to the Arctic again in 2011. Meanwhile, from April to September 2010, Vagabond's crew will set up on board Ecotroll, heading for Greenland!