Starting a project in Greenland

  • Coince dans crete de pression en formation

Finally, on 29 July, ice is drifting away from Grise Fiord. But the tide is not enough anymore! And Vagabond needs one more good push from the local loader to leave the beach for good. Time to comply with immigration formalities, with the local policeman (Patrice, speaking French), and we are heading towards Greenland. Tom and Michael were also looking forward to go boating, they come alongside Vagabond with their little motor boat, and join us on board for coffee, while we keep sailing towards the exit of Jones Sound. Jeffrey and his family also launched their boat and are waving to us.

Later in the night, now by ourselves, we get stuck in the ice. We are drifting slowly, looking carefully for any option to move forward. Magic silence, beautiful sun, many seals around us, and even a female bear with two cubs standing up on their hind legs and coming closer when, at least, we find a way to the East, on 31 July. Apparently just on time, as one of our colleague is telling us that "perhaps it was in the very last moment you escaped since the ice has been push towards the south coast of Ellesmere Island forming a near continuum of ice."

Swell is welcoming us in Baffin Bay, and we need some time to get use to the sea again, as we were on land since 20 September 2012! But conditions are good and on 1st August, we meet with the Danish scientists near a huge little auk colony, not far from Cape Atholl. Two muskox are grazing quietly near the tents...

The two weeks project can start. Not long before midnight, with David Boertman, Anders Mosbech and Allan Kristensen, we are first heading towards Thule Air Base, where we have to pick some equipment. A big wave fills up our dinghy when leaving the beach, the girls find the bath a little cold!

Follow Vagabond's track here.