Ilutalik, there is a house

  • Jaypootie decouvre les fonds de sa baie
  • Chez Joanasie a Ilutalik
  • Conditions ideales pour baptemes de plongee a Ilutalik 6 septembre
  • Plongeurs aident Jaypootie pour enfiler combinaison

I have been dreaming about coming back here in summer. Last time, with a colleague and Jaypootie, we were measuring the ice thickness in the area, by snowmobile. We slept in his father's cabin, Joannassie, who lived most of his life here. Narwhals are gathering every summer in the neighboring fiord. So when Laurent Marie told me about his projects, I had an idea in mind...

It is so great to meet them all here, at home. After the avalanche in May, after fishing, hunting or scientific trips, our relations are strong.

Joannassie, Jaypootie, and their families, have warmly welcomed Laurent's team. Jay agreed to be filmed, "I'm gonna be famous!". Then I was happy to see Jay diving with my suit (although I could not dive with him because no more suit!). At the beginning of July, it was him holding the rope when I was diving under the ice looking for coralline (algae that allows to study the climate of the ocean over many centuries). Beautiful and memorable day. What a gift to see almost all the family in the water. Jay, delighted to discover his garden, did not want to get out!

After listening the many advices from our friends, we keep looking for narwhals... Follow Vagabond's journey here.