
  • Pretes pour une baignade en eau froide
  • Reparation de la trinquette

The passage in front of Battle Harbor is very narrow. This national historic site was the economic and social center for southeastern Labrador for two centuries. The village has been recently renovated and attracts visitors.

Vagabond follows the coast, a few isolated cabins, a lady calls us by VHF radio, out of curiosity and courtesy. Very friendly exchange!

A little further on we find Henley, a little too exposed to the wind, then we find a well sheltered anchorage at Chateau. Aurore and Leonie soon put on their suits and jump into the water (4°C). A seal approaches, but not enough to be seen underwater. However the girls are quite frightened!

On land, on a beach of large pebbles, at the foot of a big firn, we can see a black bear. We remain grouped, he stays away. Stunning view on Newfoundland, in a distance, behind a parade of icebergs.

Our 14th of July begins with the repair of the staysail, for France, while the girls help me to fill up 3 jerry-cans of fresh water in the neighbouring river. We do as fast as possible to avoid being eaten by mosquitoes! Away from the trees, the wind is sufficient to keep them away, phew.

Then the whole family goes into the water, cold but clear, the bottoms are rich: on the menu tonight, crab, clams, mussels, and other seafood. In Qikiqtarjuaq I often dived alone under the ice. Today, harvesting is done with the family and free diving!