From Greenland to Canada

  • Leonie heureuse de revenir au Nunavut

This morning, we are in the ice. We have almost finished the crossing and we have only 20 miles left up to Grise Fiord. For this navigation I had prepared a chocolate cake and 6 "meneles" (small cakes) by person to keep the mood up. Because we still had our sea legs, it was a better crossing for my sister and I than usually, and I think that it was the first time that I wasn't seasick at all! Because we are close to Grise Fiord, we tried to call them by VHF, on the first time, nothing; but on the second time, they called back! How nice to hear them. A bit later with Dad (Mum and Aurore were sleeping), we saw a seal going up and down at the surface. Then he came out again with two friends! Right after they where three, then four, five, up to nine, all in the same hole! It was crazy. Now we are waiting for the ice to drift and let us pass.