
  • Simon gonfle peau de phoque a Igloolik

To our surprise, there is a scientific station in Igloolik since 1974. We are warmly welcomed and can attest that it is a good example of cooperation between white people and Inuit people, they carry out together studies on local wildlife.

At the moment the community suffers from some problems with it's drinking water tank... This is not the perfect stop over for showers and landry, however, the Economic Development Officer of Igloolik, who has lived on a sail boat before, opens kindly her door and bathroom for us!

In the evening we meet again Simon, who came the day before on his motorboat to welcome our red sail boat: at the community center, he is showing how to make a floating sealskin balloon: this one, attached to the end of the harpoon, won't let sink the hunted animal, whether a seal, a narwhal or a beluga... Exciting evening, organised in order to transmit the tradition to the young Inuit of the village.

The cargo ship who supplies the village once a year is here, her tug boat goes back and forth pushing her barge loaded with seacans. She gives us copies of sea charts for Foxe Basin, which is especially unknown.

After she left, we fill up our diesel tanks, Vagabond almost grounded on the beach; front wind, we use a rope attached to a seacan on shore. For once, this operation is amazingly simple!